

  1. Mingjian Li, Yanping Lian*, Zhanshan Cheng, Zhidong Wang, Lehui Li, Ruxing Gao, Daining Fang. A clustering adaptive Gaussian process regression method: response patterns based real-time prediction for nonlinear solid mechanics problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 436(1): 117669, 2025
  2. Feiyu Xiong, Yanping Lian*, Chinnapat Panwisawas, Jiawei Chen, Ming-jian Li, Anwen Liu. A microscale cellular automaton method for solid-state phase transformation of directed energy deposited Ti6Al4V. Additive Manufacturing, 2024.
  3. Biao Zhang, Yanping Lian*, Ming-jian Li, Chunpeng Wang, Ruxing Gao. Mechanical characterisation of lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting via an image-based finite cell method with a damage model. Materials & Design, 244:113168, 2024.
  4. 郭旭*廉艳平*. 数据驱动的结构分析与设计专题序. 力学学报, 56(7),  2024. 
  5. 王春彭,高汝鑫,廉艳平*,成湛山,李明健. 面向抗冲击结构尺寸优化的自训练分类判断优化设计方法. 力学学报,  56(7),  2024. 
  6. 于飞, 廉艳平*, 李明健,  高汝鑫.金属增材制造晶体塑性有限胞元自洽聚类分析方法. 力学学报,  56(7), 2024.
  7. 廉艳平*,易敏*. 增材制造计算力学专题序. 计算力学学报, 41(5):807-807, 2024.
  8. 李明健,陈嘉伟,廉艳平*. 金属增材制造的多物理场物质点有限元法. 计算力学学报, 41(5):808-815, 2024.
  9. Yanda Wang, Yanping Lian*, Zhidong Wang, Chunpeng Wang, Daining Fang*. A novel triple periodic minimal surface-like plate lattice and its data-driven optimization method for superior mechanical properties. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition),45(2): 217-238, 2024.
  10. Lehui Li, Yanping Lian*, Ming-Jian Li, Ruxin Gao, Yong Gan. A contact method for B-spline material point method with application in impact and penetration problems. Computational Mechanics, 73:1351–1369, 2024.
  11. Feiyu Xiong, Yanping Lian*, Mingjian Li, Jiaqi Ouyang, Yufan Liu. An extended cellular automaton finite volume method for grain nucleation-growth-coarsening during the wire-based additive manufacturing process. Additive Manufacturing, 76(25):103782, 2023.
  12. Yanping Lian*, Jiawei Chen, Ming-Jian Li*, Ruxin Gao. A multi-physics material point method for thermo-fluid-solid coupling problems in metal additive manufacturing processes. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 416(1): 116297, 2023.
  13. R.X. Gao, Y.H. Zhang, X.B. Sun, S.Y. Duan*, Y.P. Lian*. Forced vibration analysis of thin cross-ply laminated circular cylindrical shells with arbitrary boundary conditions using the symplectic wave-based method. Thin-Walled Structures, 190: 110992, 2003. 
  14. Chunpeng Wang, Yanping Lian*, Ruxin Gao*, Feiyu Xiong, Ming-Jian Li. A multi-point synergistic gradient evolution method for topology optimization leveraging neural network with applications in converged and diverse designs. Computational Mechanics, 73: 105-122, 2024.
  15. J.Q. Ouyang, M.J. Li*, Y.P. Lian*, S.Y. Peng, C.M. Liu. A Fast Prediction Model for Liquid Metal Transfer Modes during the Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Process. Materials, 16(7), 2911, 2023.
  16. Ming-Jian. Li, Jiawei Chen, Yanping Lian*, Feiyu Xiong, Daining Fang. An efficient and high-fidelity local multi-mesh finite volume method for heat transfer and fluid flow problems in metal additive manufacturing. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 404: 115828, 2023.
  17. C. He, J. Ge*, Y. Chen, Y. Lian*. Concurrent multiscale virtual tesing for 2D woven composite structures: a pathway towards composites design and structure optimization. Composite Structures, 304: 116406, 2023.
  18. Feng Xu, Feiyu Xiong, Ming-Jian Li, Yanping Lian*. Three dimensional numerical simulation of grain growth during selective laser melting of 316L stainless steel. Materials, 15(19), 6800, 2022.
  19. W. Wen, M. Lei, Y. Tao*, Y. Lian. Out-of-plane crashworthiness of bio-inspired hierarchical diamond honeycombs with variable cell wall thickness. Thin-Walled Structures, 176:109347, 2022.
  20. Chunwang He, Jingran Ge*, Yanping Lian*, Luchao Geng, Yanfei Chen, Daining Fang*. A concurrent three-scale scheme FE-SCA2 for the nonlinear mechanical behavior of braided composites. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 393:114827, 2022.
  21. Yanda Wang, Luchao Geng, Yanping Lian*, Mengchuan Xu, Daining Fang*. Three-dimensional assembled dual-material lattice with tailorable thermal expansion: design method, modeling, and testing. Composite Structures, 293: 115724, 2022.
  22. Ming-Jian Li, Yanping Lian*, Xiong Zhang*. An Immersed Finite Element Material Point (IFEMP) Method for Free Surface Fluid-structure Interaction Problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 393: 114809, 2022.
  23. Luchao Geng, Biao Zhang,Y.P Lian*, Ruxin Gao, Daining Fang*. An image-based multi-level hp FCM for predicting elastoplastic behavior of imperfect lattice structure by SLM. Computational Mechanics, 70, 123-140, 2022.
  24. Feiyu Xiong, Zhengtao Gan, Jiawei Chen, Yanping Lian*. Evaluate the effect of melt pool convection on grain structure in selective laser melted IN625 alloy using experimentally validated process-structure modeling. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 303:117538,2022.
  25. D. Kats, Z. Wang, Z. Gan, W.K. Liu, G. J. Wagner, Y.P. Lian*. A physics-informed machine learning method for predicting grain structure characteristics in directed energy deposition. Computational Materials Science,202:110958,2021.
  26. Y.P. Lian*, P.D. Wang, J. Gao, et al. Fundamental mechanics problems in metal additive manufacturing: A state-of-art review. Advances in Mechanics,  51(3): 648-701,2021 (Online, in Chinese).
  27. 廉艳平*,刘谋斌*. 金属增材制造中的关键力学问题与前沿计算技术主题序. 力学学报,  53(12): 3179-3180, 2021.
  28. 黄辰阳,陈嘉伟,朱言言,廉艳平*. 激光定向能量沉积的粉末尺度多物理场数值模拟, 力学学报, 53(12): 3240-3251,2021.
  29. Y.P. Lian, J. Dallmann, B. Sonin, K. Roche, A. Packman, W.K. Liu, G.J. Wagner*. Double averaging analysis applied to a large eddy simulation of coupled turbulent overlying and porewater flow, Water Resource Research, 57,2021.
  30. F.Y. Xiong, C.Y. Huang, O. L. Kafka, Y. P. Lian*, W.T. Yan, M.J. Chen*, D.N. Fang. Grain growth prediction in selective electron beam melting of Ti-6Al-4V with a cellular automaton method. Materials & Design, 199:109410, 2021.
  31. 陈嘉伟,熊飞宇,黄辰阳,廉艳平*. 金属增材制造数值模拟. 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 50 (9): 09007, 2020.
  32. M.J. Chen, S.Z. Luan*, Y.P. Lian*. Fractional SUPG finite element formulation for two-dimensional fractional advection-diffusion equations. Computational Mechanics, 67, 601-617, 2020.
  33. Y.P. Lian*, Z. Gan, C. Yu, D. Kats, W. K. Liu, G. J. Wagner. A cellular automaton finite volume method for microstructure evolution during additive manufacturing. Materials & Design, 169: 107672, 2019.
  34. Y.P. Lian, J. Dallmann, B. Sonin, K. Roche, W. Liu, A. Packman, G. Wagner*. A large eddy simulation of turbulent flow over and through a rough permeable bed. Computers & Fluids, 180:128-138, 2019.
  35. Z. Gan#, Y.P. Lian#, S. Lin, K. Jones, W.K. Liu*, G. Wagner*. Benchmark study of thermal behavior, surface topography, and dendritic microstructure in selective laser melting of Inconel 625. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, 8: 178-193, 2019.
  36. W.T. Yan#, Y.P. Lian#,C. Yu#, O. Kafka#, Z. L. Liu, W.K. Liu, G. Wagner*. An integrated process-structure-property modeling framework for additive manufacturing. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 339: 184-204, 2018.
  37. Y.P. Lian, S. Lin, W.T. Yan, W.K. Liu, G.J. Wagner*. A parallelized three-dimensional cellular automaton model for grain growth during additive manufacturing. Computational Mechanics, 61:543-559, 2018.
  38. W.T. Yan, S. Lin, O. Kafka, Y.P. Lian, C. Yu, Z.L. Liu, J.H. Yan, S. Wolff, H. Wu, E. Ndip-Agbor, M. Mozaffar, K. Ehmann, J. Cao, G. Wagner, W. K. Liu*. Data-driven multi-scale multi-physics models to derive process-structure-property relationships for additive manufacturing. Computational Mechanics, 61:521-541, 2018.
  39. B. Wu, Z.P. Chen, X. Zhang*, Y. Liu, Y.P. Lian. Coupled Shell-Material Point Method for Bird Strike Simulation. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 31:1-18, 2018.
  40. W. Yan, S. Lin, O. Kafka, C. Yu, Z. Liu, Y.P. Lian, S. Wolff, J. Cao, G. Wagner, W. K. Liu*. Modeling process-structure-property relationships for additive manufacturing. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 13:482-492, 2018.
  41. Y.P. Ying, Y.P. Lian*, S.Q. Tang*, W. K. Liu. Enriched reproducing kernel particle method for fractional advection-diffusion equation. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 34: 515-527, 2018.
  42. S.Z. Luan, Y.P. Lian*, Y.P. Ying, S.T. Tang, G.J. Wagner, W.K. Liu*. An enriched finite element method to fractional advection diffusion equations. Computational Mechanics, 60(2):181-201, 2017.
  43. Y.P. Ying, Y.P. Lian#, S.T. Tang*, W.K. Liu. High-order central scheme for Caputo fractional derivative. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 317: 42-54, 2017.
  44. Y.P. Lian, G.J. Wagner, W.K. Liu*. A meshfree method for the fractional advection-diffusion equation. In: Griebel M., Schweitzer M. (ed.s) Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VIII. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 115. Springer, Cham, 2017.
  45. F. Zhang, X. Zhang*, K.Y. Sze, Y.P. Lian, Y. Liu. Incompressible material point method for free surface flow. Journal of Computational Physics, 330: 92-110, 2017.
  46. S.T. Tang, Y.P. Ying, Y.P. Lian, S. Lin, Y.B. Yang, G.J. Wagner, W.K. Liu*. Differential Operator Multiplication Method for Fractional Differential Equations. Computational Mechanics, 58: 879-888, 2016.
  47. Y.P. Lian, Y.P. Ying, S.Q. Tang, S. Lin, G. Wagner, W.K, Liu*. A Petrov-Galerkin Finite Element Method for the Fractional Advection-Diffusion Equation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,309: 388-410, 2016.
  48. Y. Li*, Y.P. Lian, L.T. Zhang, S.M. Aldousari, H.S. Hedia, S.A. Asiri, W. K. Liu. Cell and nanoparticle transport in tumour microvasculature: the role of size, shape and surface functionality of nanoparticles. Interface Focus, 6(1): 20150086, 2016.
  49. Y.P. Lian, P.F. Yang, X. Zhang*, F. Zhang, Y. Liu, P. Huang. A mesh-grading material point method and its parallelization for problems with localized extreme deformation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 289: 291-315, 2015.
  50. 刘岩,张雄,刘平,廉艳平,马上,宫伟伟,王汉奎. 空间碎片防护问题的物质点无网格法与软件系统. 载人航天,21(5): 503-509,2015.
  51. Z.P. Chen, X.M. Qiu, X. Zhang*, Y.P. Lian. Improved coupling of finite element method with material point method based on a particle-to-surface contact algorithm. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,293: 1-19, 2015.
  52. Y.P. Lian, X.Zhang*, F. Zhang, X.X. Cui. Tied interface grid material point method for problems with localized extreme deformation. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 70: 50-61, 2014.
  53. Y.P. Lian, Y. Liu, X. Zhang*. Coupling of membrane element with material point method for FSI problem. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 10: 199-211, 2014.
  54. 廉艳平, 张帆, 刘岩, 张雄*. 物质点法的理论和应用.力学进展, 43: 237-264, 2013.
  55. Y.P. Lian, X. Zhang*, Y. Liu. Coupling between finite element and material point method for problems with extreme deformation. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 2, 021003, 2012.
  56. Y.P. Lian, X. Zhang*, Y. Liu. An adaptive finite element material point method and its application in extreme deformation in problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 241-244: 275-285, 2012.
  57. X. Zhang*, Y.P. Lian, P.F. Yang, J.G. Li, Y.T. Zhang, H.K. Wang. 冲击爆炸问题的三维物质点法数值仿真. 计算机辅助工程, 20:29-37, 2011.
  58. Y.P. Lian, X. Zhang*, Y. Liu. Coupling of finite element method with material point method by local multi-mesh contact method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200: 3482–3494, 2011.
  59. Y.P. Lian, X. Zhang*, X. Zhou, Z.T. Ma. A FEMP method and its application in modeling dynamic response of reinforced concrete subjected to impact loading.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200: 1659-1670, 2011.
  60. Y.P. Lian, X. Zhang*, X. Zhou, S. Ma, Y.L. Zhao. Numerical simulation of explosively driven metal by material point method. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 38: 237-245, 2011.
  61. S. Ma, X. Zhang*, Y.P. Lian, X. Zhou. Simulation of high explosive explosion using adaptive material point method. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 39: 101-123, 2009.



  1. 廉艳平,王春彭,高汝鑫, 等. 数据驱动的抗爆结构动力学优化设计软件[简称:DBOD] V1.0, 计算机软件著作权登记编号:2023SR1476602.
  2. 廉艳平,王春彭,高汝鑫,等. 多点协同梯度演化机器学习拓扑优化设计软件[简称:MSGE] V1.0,计算机软件著作权登记编号:2023SR1476293.
  3. 廉艳平,熊飞宇.金属增材制造微观组织粗化的耦合元胞自动机蒙特卡洛法仿真软件(简称:AMCAMC3D)(C++语言),计算机软件著作权登记编号:2023SR0410212, 2023.
  4. 廉艳平,李乐辉,李明健.三维高阶物质点法仿真软件(简称:BSMPM3D)(C++语言),登记号:2023SR0433583, 2023.
  5. 廉艳平,张彪,于飞,高汝鑫.金属增材制造点阵性能评价的图像多级hp有限胞元法软件(简称:MLhp-FCM3D)(C++语言), 计算机软件著作权登记编号:2023SR0448605, 2023.
  6. 廉艳平,张彪,于飞,高汝鑫.无缝集成CAD/CAE的有限胞元法软件(简称:FCM3D)(C++语言), 计算机软件著作权登记编号:2023SR0468272, 2023.
  7. 廉艳平,陈嘉伟,李明健.金属增材制造的多物理场物质点法仿真软件(简称:AMMPM)(Fortran语言),计算机软件著作权登记编号:2023SR0470957, 2023.
  8. 贺春旺,葛静冉,廉艳平,方岱宁. 复合材料数据驱动并发多尺度模拟软件,计算机软件著作权登记编号:2021SR1881642, 2021.
  9. 贺春旺,葛静冉,廉艳平,方岱宁. 复合材料细观参数化建模软件,计算机软件著作权登记编号:2021SR1881568, 2021.
  10. 廉艳平,熊飞宇,等. 三维增材制造元胞自动机法仿真软件(简称:AMCA3D) (C++语言), V2.0,计算机软件著作权登记编号:2022SR1147604, 2022.
  11. 廉艳平, 熊飞宇,陈嘉伟. 三维增材制造元胞自动机法仿真软件(简称:AMCA3D) (C++语言), 计算机软件著作权登记编号:2020SR1580529, 2020.
  12. 廉艳平, 熊飞宇,陈嘉伟. 点阵结构优化设计与性能评估软件 (Matlab 语言),计算机软件著作权登记编号:2020SR1564087, 2020.
  13. 张雄, 廉艳平. 三维显式有限元物质点法仿真软件FEMP3D. (C++ 语言), 计算机软件著作权登记编号:2012SR032143, 2012.


  1. 廉艳平,李明健,陈嘉伟. 选区激光熔化技术下成形件表面质量及残余应力预测方法, 国家发明专利申请号:202310953276.0.,2023.
  2. 廉艳平,陈嘉伟,李明健.一种选区激光熔化技术下熔池表面力的高精度计算方法, 国家发明专利号:202310953394.1.,2023.
  3. 廉艳平,熊飞宇,等. 一种金属增材制造晶粒组织凝固和粗化的模拟方法系统,国家发明专利申请号:202210919061.2, 2022.
  4. 廉艳平,韩松宇,等. 一种加强单胞结构及其制备方法与应用、夹芯板,国家发明专利号:ZL 2021 1 0080450.6.,  2021.


  1. 张雄, 廉艳平, 刘岩, 周旭. 《物质点法》[专著], 清华大学出版社, 2013.
  2. Y.P. Lian, X. Zhang. A coupled finite element material point method for large deformation problems. Advances in Computational Coupling and Contact Mechanics. Editors: Luis Rodriguez-Tembleque, M.H. Ferri Aliabadi, World Scientific, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-78634-477-9.
  3. J. S. Chen, W. K. Liu, M. Hillman, S.W. Chi, Y.P. Lian, M. Bessa. Reproducing kernel particle method for solving partial differential equations. Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, 2nd Edition, Editors: Erwin Stein, Rene de Borst and Tom Hughes, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.


  1. 2020.11 第五届全国计算力学青年学术研讨会, 南京,中国,邀请报告.
  2. 2020.08 2020年江苏省研究生“计算力学与工程”暑期学校系列讲座,南京,中国,讲座.
  3. 2020.07 北京力学会计算力学高端论坛, 北京,中国,邀请报告.
  4. 2019.11 3th International Forum on Specialized Equipment and Engineering, Nanjing, China, Plenary Talk;
  5. 2019.10 第三届无网格与粒子方法专业组工作会,南昌,中国,邀请报告.
  6. 2019.08 中国力学大会-2019,杭州,中国.
  7. 2019.04 清华大学,固体力学研究所,邀请人:冯西桥 教授.
  8. 2018.03 北京大学,力学与科学工程系, 邀请人: 段慧玲 教授.
  9. 2018.03 清华大学,航空宇航工程系,邀请人:张雄 教授.
  10. 2018.05 “多尺度多物理场计算技术短期国际培训班”,北京协同创新研究院.
  11. 2016.11 北京大学, 湍流与复杂系统国家重点实验室,邀请人:唐少强教授.
  12. 2018.12 The 5th International Conference on Additive Manufacturing and Bio-Manufacturing (ICAM-BM 2018), Beijing, China.
  13. 2018.07 The 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, New York City, USA.
  14. 2018.05 18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics-Jointly Organized with the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chicago, USA.
  15. 2016.10 USACM Thematic Conference on Isogeometric Analysis and Meshfree Methods,
    La Jolla, USA.
  16. 2015.07 The 13th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, San Diego, USA.
  17. 2012.08 The 23th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Beijing, China.
  18. 2011.12 The 3th International Symposium on Computational Mechanics & 2th Symposium on
    Computational Structural Engineering (ISCM II-CSE II), Taipei, China.